SiFu Henry Araneda's Ultimate Martial Arts University.

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Welcome Message from SiFu Henry Araneda

Welcome to the Ultimate Martial Arts University!

Hi, I’m Sifu Henry Araneda and I’m super excited to be able to offer these Applied Wing Chun courses to you.

So whether you’re a student of mine at my academy or you follow me on social media. I’d like to welcome you and let you know I treat this online university as an extension of my school. So the moment you enrol in one of my courses you are not alone, I’m here to help you in your Applied Wing Chun journey.

How to get started?

I highly recommend you start with our Level 1 Applied Wing Chun course. It will lay out the foundation to your training and showcase the execution of our basic techniques.

If you're fully committed to your Wing Chun training, make sure you get my Bundle Course it's the best value for money with over 6 Hours of recorded lessons!

Let the learning begin!